Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Judge stops SFI "certified" loggers

Weyerhaeuser, the massive logging, paper and wood products company, has been injoined to stop logging in endangered species habitat in the state of Washington.

Weyerhaeuser is certified by the so-called Sustainable Forestry Initiative. The SFI is a marketing program devised by and dominated by industry to greenwash the forest products industry in the US. More on that effort here. That a federal judge has to step in to stop logging by a supposedly certified company in endangered species habitat demonstrates, I think pretty clearly, the extremely low bar, or non-existence of a bar, of sustainability demanded by this program.

From this day let it be known: if you buy SFI, you don't know what in the world you are getting, and there's at least a decent chance it will be from unsustainable logging.

RAN's Understory blog has a good post on other current challenges to the SFI in Washington and Maine.

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