Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Did you know that through the power of your paper choices you can help stop climate change, protect endangered forests, and create a healthier world? That’s why today millions of individual consumers and large volume purchasers of paper are asking those they do business with: “Whats in your paper?”

Responsible paper use, including buying responsibly and doing more with less, is one of the most important actions we can take to protect the climate and save our last endangered forests from extinction. To help provide straightforward guidance for paper purchasers, Environmental Paper Network created the new website delivers a comprehensive Toolkit full of resources to help paper purchasers save money by cutting paper waste and to buy paper products responsibly in an era of climate change and endangered forests. Featured in the Toolkit are the Paper Steps, a new one-page tool providing straightforward guidance to the hierarchy of environmental papers available.

The site also hosts the Paper Planet, an international blog reporting on the story of the social and environmental transformation of the paper industry. And video content, right now featuring a short film: The Secret Life of Paper.

Please stay tuned. As part of the launch of the new campaign, over the next couple of months the Paper Planet will bring you a new posting every week from experts from all over the world who will focus in on different end uses of paper and the specific issues to watch out for.

If you've got a paper that qualifies for one of the top two tiers of the Paper Steps, contact us. If you are an office, company, school or place of worship that already knows "what's in your paper," go ahead and brag about it. In the coming months we will be highlighting some of the leaders.

Thanks for visiting the site and for your role in developing the marketplace for environmentally superior paper.

Please consider posting a link to on your website. You can download web banners/buttons HERE.

Environmental Paper Network (EPN) is a coalition of over 100 organizations around the world working to advance the Common Vision for the Transformation of the Paper Industry. The Steering Committee of EPN is As You Sow, Conservatree, Dogwood Alliance, ForestEthics, Green America (formerly Co-op America), Green Press Initiative, Markets Initiative, National Wildlife Federation, Natural Resources Council of Maine, and Rainforest Action Network.


SouthernQ said...

Great site! Thanks for making this happen EPN!!!

generic viagra said...

I think this is the best proposal to protect the forest and the environment, I think that more people and companies should have ideas like these ones.m10m